Adult Weekly Bible Study
St. John the Beloved Disciple Church offers Bible Study opportunities for both men and women.
Men’s Bible Study is Tuesday mornings, 9:00 am in the Sacristy, adjacent to the Church lobby. All men of the parish are invited to participate.
Women’s Bible Study Thursday mornings, 9:00 am in the Sacristy, adjacent to the Church lobby. All women of the parish are invited to participate.
Cemetery Board
From its beginning in the mid-19th Century, St. John the Beloved Disciple has operated its own parish cemetery.
The Parish Cemetery Board oversees the operation of the cemetery, setting policies and procedures for the care and well-being of this sacred space. The Parish Cemetery Board sets the fees for burial plots and internment.
Questions concerning burials in the Parish Cemetery should be referred to members of the Parish Cemetery Board.
Finance & Administration Commission
The Finance & Administration Commission of St. John the Beloved Disciple Parish assists the Pastor by providing guidance and recommendations for the physical and financial well-being of our parish.
The Finance & Administration Commission has eight (8) parishioner members, serving four-year terms. They meet monthly, on the fourth Wednesday.
The work and concerns of the Finance & Administration Commission is focused on these thrse areas of parish well-being;
Funerals and Funeral Options/Arrangements
Funeral Arrangements can be pre-planned or developed in the aftermath of the death of a family member or loved one. Funeral Arrangements are typically made with the guidance of a local Funeral Home but that is not always necessary given individual circumstances.
To arrange a Funeral Mass, please contact the Parish Office.
Families can choose arrangements other than a Funeral Mass at Church.
Given that sometimes individuals have donated their body to a medical school or have chosen cremation, a Memorial Mass for the deceased may be a preferred choice.
It is possible to have a prayer service at the Funeral Home if this arrangement is more suitable.
Grief Support Group
Our Parish periodically offers a Grief Support Group to meet the needs of parishioners and others who have experienced the loss of a loved one.
The Grief Support Group meets on a weekly basis for Six (6) Sessions.
This Support Group is helpful for those wondering why their loved one died, how they can go on without their loved one, wondering where God is in their life right now, or if they will ever be able to feel good again.
The schedule of the Grief Support Seminar is announced in the Parish Bulletin.
Hospitality Committee
The Hospitality Committee consists of volunteers, men and women, who staff the Welcome Desk in the Parish Church Lobby on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings, before, during and after the Weekend Masses.
The members are eager to meet, welcome and engage with visitors and newcomers to our parish.
The Hospitality Committee arranges and manages the periodic Donut Sundays for our parish.
Parish Communications
Constant Contact – We utilize electronic communication to providing quick and timely information for our parishioners. We reserve Constant Contact Emails for items of immediate urgency and importance. The Parish Office manages Constant Contact. We use this to provide information for upcoming parishioner’s funerals, cancellations in the prospect of bad weather, etc.
Parish Website – The website provides up-to-date information about our parish for both present parishioners and those searching for a Catholic Parish to call theirs.
Weekly Parish Bulletin – We publish a weekly parish bulletin. This is available in print form at the weekend Masses and here on the website.
Parish Council
St. John the Beloved Disciple Parish Council consists of seven parishioners chosen by the Holy Spirit. Together they serve as a team for three years.
The St. John Parish Council lives the parish mission statement and inspires the parish to make this mission statement our map for building the Kingdom of God.
The responsibilities and goals of the Parish Council are these:
Parish Leadership Roundtable
The Parish Leadership Roundtable consists of the leader parish organizations and activities.
The Parish Leadership Roundtable meets quarterly – February/March – May – August – November/December.
The Parish Leadership Roundtable coordinates Parish Organizations and Activities to
eliminate scheduling conflicts and balance the distribution of activities through the year.
Focus all efforts to fulfill our Parish Mission Statement.
Build cooperation and mutual support among organizations.
To build our Parish into a lively faith-community eager to build the Kingdom of God here and now.
Parent Support Ministry
Parent Support Ministry (PSM) participation is expected for parents of children preparing to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation, Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation/Penance.
Parent Support Ministry (PSM) sessions are offered Tuesday evenings periodically through the year.
The purpose of these PSM sessions is to engage and inform the parents of the students so that they understand and support by their active encouragement their children during preparation for these sacraments.
The parish Quilters are a group of ladies who meet to quilt every Tuesday, from 9:00 am till 2:00 pm in the Parish Office Lobby.
The Quilters offer a monthly drawing through the year, with the winner of the drawing receiving one of the Quilter’s hand-made quilts.
Respect Life
Respect Life supports regional and national activities supporting and promoting Pro Life issues.
Respect Life organizes efforts that assist and support Birthright in Hillsboro and the Crisis Pregnancy center in Arnold.
Respect Life assists with the Advent Giving Tree by obtaining baby items for those in need.
St. Anne Sodality
The St. Anne Sodality unites the women of the parish in religious, educational, and social activities.
The St. Anne Sodality also provides vital support to the spiritual and material undertakings of the parish.
Activities of the St. Anne Sodality include:
Regular meetings are held by the St. Anne Sodality on the 4th Thursday of the month in the Parish Office Lobby.